Thursday, March 5, 2009

K.I.S.S. Chicken

Keep it Simple Stupid!

I've developed an obsession with stuffing chicken breasts lately. I never did it before because it always seemed so complicated, but its actually not!

My latest Cooking Light had a recipe using a garlic and herb spreadable cheese by the name Boursin. I actually found Boursin at Kroger, and a small container was $7.99! I took the kind next to it (totally forgetting the name right now) which still cost at least $5 and it may have been more. I wasn't sure what this spread would be like, so I didn't go with my instinct to substitute a cream cheese spread, but will next time. I actually think a flavored cream cheese spread will add more to the dish. At any rate, it was good!

Toast 1/4 cup slivered almonds in a skillet until they start to brown. Cool slightly and chop coarsely. Mix 1/3 cup of the garlic and herb cheese spread, all but a spoonful of the almonds, and a handful of fresh parsely chopped up finely. Stuff into 4 chicken breasts which you have slit open. Heat butter (I used canola oil) in a large non-stick skillet and cook about 6 minutes on each side until nicely browned and cooked through. Let chicken rest for a few minutes and garnish with the reserved spoonful of almonds and some more parsely.

Next time, in addition to using a cream cheese spead, I would like to use a different herb. Maybe chives or rosemary.

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