Monday, July 27, 2009

One Fish. Two Fish. Pink Fish. Bacon Fish.

I've been trying to make fish a larger part of my diet. I don't like most creatures from the water, but I am learning more about fish and have now branched out from canned tuna to whole salmon fillets. It is a big deal!

Recently I could not resist a massive salmon fillet from Westborn Market in Berkley, MI. I can't usually resist their chicken Italian sausages either, but did this time somehow. Perhaps because I had a 3 pound salmon fillet in my cart.

The preparation is extremely simple. I cut the fillet into 3 manageable pieces because I was going to grill it. Rub both sides with olive oil, and sprinkle generously with salt and fresh black pepper. In a small bowl, coarsley cut up fresh dill - LOTS of fresh dill, and slice some lemons - probably about 2 lemons.

Place the fillet skin side up for a few minutes to get a little color on it - then flip so the skin is down. The skin will grill up really crispy for those that eat it. I don't, but it did look tasty! After the flip, top with lots of dill and lay down some lemon slices. The fish won't take long to cook - depending on the heat of your grill maybe about 10 minutes. Run a spatula under the fish occasionally to make sure it isn't sticking, but you shouldn't have any trouble! Serve with extra lemon wedges. Super fresh and tasty fish!

Next up - bacon fish! This is as simple as the first. I'm not a big fan of bacon, but this was tasty. Season your favorite fillets of fish - small-ish sized - with salt and pepper. Squeeze some fresh lemon juice on them. Add some red pepper flakes and cumin for some kick if you like! Wrap the fillets with one or two pieces of bacon and place in a shallow baking dish. Bake at 350 for 15-20 minutes or until done. Enjoy!

My apologies for the lack of photographic evidence of food goodness, however, sometimes its just too damn good to take the time to grab the camera.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Mini Pizzas, Margaritas, and Mud Pie Cake

A recent Friday night we had a "party". Mini me picks out a menu and we go for it. This menu was mini pizzas and mud pie cake. I added the margarita part, was Friday night.

Mini pizzas are nothing more than the crust recipe a few entries back. We divided the dough into 6 pizzas, did our best to shape them into circles, added tomato sauce, herbs, and our favorite toppings. They're nice because everybody can make their own just how they want it!

Mud Pie Cake was a first for us, but we loved it for so many reasons. It is difficult sometimes to bake for just a few people, and this cake was just the right size. It also uses ingredients you are certain to have on hand. The final result is so light and wonderful you will find yourself wanting to eat the entire cake!

Preheat oven to 350. Mix together 1/2 cup all-purpose flour, 1/4 cup sugar ,1 T unsweetened cocoa, 1 teaspoon baking powder, and a dash of salt. Add in 1/4 cup milk (fat free is okay!), 1 T. canola oil, and 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract. (I would have also liked to add some pecans at this point, but this was Ty's cake!)

At this point you are thinking to yourself that you screwed up the recipe because there is not very much batter. It's cool. You're doing fine! Spread this batter as best you can in a greased 9" pie plate.

In a small bowl mix 3 tablespoons packed brown sugar, 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa, and 2/3 cup boiling water. This is the mud part. It looks like dirty water! Slowly pour this over the batter.

You're still certain you've screwed something up, or this can't possibly work. Trust me, I felt the same way! Just put it in the oven, set your timer for 20 minutes, and walk away. It will be perfect! Eat it while it is still warm - best with berries and ice cream.

Once you cut into it all that liquid you had poured on top of the batter has baked into the middle and thickened up into "mud". It's quite fantastic!

Now for the margaritas. If your margaritas involve a bucket of slush from the grocery store, you're doing it ALL wrong. They are so easy to make and so very good.

The key here is 1/2 cup. 1/2 cup lemon juice, 1/2 cup lime juice (Rose's), 1/2 cup triple sec, 1/2 cup Jose, and 1/4 cup sugar diluted in 1/4 cup water (which should make 1/2 cup sugar water). Add ice to fill the blender and voila!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Bring on the Sunshine!

Summer = Fresh.
Fresh salsa is SO good. I just heard you groan with displeasure at the work before you. I've got your back on this one!

Open a 16oz jar of your favorite salsa. I used "medium".
Chop a medium green pepper, medium red bell pepper, half a red onion, 2-3 cloves of fresh garlic, 3-ish medium ripe tomatoes, and 1/4 cup fresh cilantro. Also add 1 small can chopped green chiles, 1 can of drained and rinsed black beans, and about 2 cups of fresh or frozen (and thawed) sweet corn. Mix in a spoonful of sugar, spoonful of salt and spoonful of cumin. Squeeze in the juice of one lime and let it all hang out for awhile.

Yummy! If you like some spice I think you can use a "hot" salsa as the base. The medium actually washed right out with all the additions. You could also use a fresh jalapeno pepper. I liked it without too much spice though. It stayed super fresh and light and hit everybody's taste buds in all the right ways!